Contact Points
In search of Austrian tourism services and partners?

Austrian National Tourist Office (ANTO) “Österreich Werbung” is the national tourism marketing organisation and is the first contact point for incoming tourism to Austria.
Its range of activities include above-the-line advertising for the tourism country Austria with a focus on content marketing and online-activities, media cooperation, the organization of fairs and sales platforms as well as cooperation with local tour operators, travel agents and trainings for the travel agency and event sector. The heart of ANTO's guest information is the Internet portal Austria Info (currently available in 22 languages) and its Facebook-Fanpage.
Three main geographical areas are serviced - Western Europe, CEE and Overseas. In most of these high potential inbound markets (covering 96 % of the overnights) ANTO operates local offices. The portal Austria Info serves as guest information point, available in 22 different languages.
Austrian tourism know-how
Tourism is one of Austria’s most important industry sectors. Domestic and foreign visitors appreciate the exceptionally well-trained staff, tailor-made themed offers and the excellent infrastructure.
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA assists interested parties in locating Austrian suppliers and business partners. Further services range from introductions to Austrian companies looking for importers, distributors or agents to providing in-depth information on Austria as a business location and assistance in entering the Austrian market.